Well hello and BOO to you! Hope you are enjoying Fall. This is about as Halloween as I get! My kids get spooked pretty easy and honestly I just cant stand all the gore. Watching the news is bad enough. Free candy? Well thats a different story.
I know you saw this Mr. Crow last year but I miss him. I cant figure out where I put him last year, so here he is again. He was such fun to make.
I was tagged by the lovely "Frenchy" of Le Chateau des Fleurs and am so honored that she would think of me. If you havent seen her blog before you should run right over. This girl is the cutest thing ever and has a party with her kids for anything you can imagine. Last Easter she had ducks in her bathtub! I just love her and am so inspired by how she makes everyday an event. She makes me want to be a better mom.
Happy Friday to all of you. Have a fun & safe weekend.