A funny thing happened on the way here
to this place I call "My Life".
Have you ever completely misread something, someone or
had the wrong take altogether on something? And then felt horrible because you missed it?
replayed it countless times, analyzed it to death? And then were not so particularly nice to yourself because of it? Show of hands girls? No one can see you, tun off the webcam.
I put both up, one for me and one for you.
Allow me to elaborate. You may want a cookie to go with this.
Remember when I said I would be making some changes?
Well this is just the beginning.
You've heard "the beginning of the rest of your life" used many times and I dont mean to sound cliche but why not have a new beginning today and tomorrow and the next day?
Who says that because you missed the mark in some way that you can't start fresh? Isnt that what we tell our children when they are in a pile of tears? We dont tear them down, we wouldnt tear our best friend or husband down. So why do we do it to ourselves?
The sun will come out tomorrow
Ive noticed something about myself and Im just going to put it out there because I think you will understand. I am really good at forgiving others, encouraging others and even putting people on a pedestal(not something I recommend) but not myself. Perhaps it is rooted in the father that nothing was good enough for or the fear that I wont be liked, gee feels like jr. high all over again.
But life is meant to be enjoyed not endured.
So Ive decided to make some changes and Im excited to do it. My blog will be different than what youve seen in the past. Ive discovered a love (again) for writing and Im just going to put on my big girl panties and write about the things that matter to me because I think they just may matter to you too. And of course Im perfectly safe here in my pajamas with my hair in rollers, you cant see me! But if you could, you would laugh and so would I.
I hope you will be courageous with me and give yourself permission to make mistakes and start over. Its freeing and its real.
I love you my dear friends, thank you for loving me!
Ive linked up to an "OM, One Moment" hosted by alamode stuff.