I know its cheesy to stand there but smile anyway!
Mom, why are we standing next to an iron deer?
Last week I decided I just had to get away so I threw the kids in the car and went to New Mexico to visit Brad & Christine aka Papa & the Queen! Cody was quite delighted to find a toad in their driveway. He wanted to bring it home to meet his frogs. That would be a"NO". I explained that toads dont travel well and they cant take Dramamine!
This is the Queen very involved in her paper crafting. She has quite the portfolio of cards and sweet things. Let me tell you about her. If you go to her house you are in for quite a treat. It is beautiful. I should have taken pics of it what was I thinking. Its like going to a B&B. You could eat off her floor if you had to. The only one eating off my floor is the dog, I think weve covered that before. She is like a mom to me and moved away several years ago to enjoy retirement. She didn't know I was coming, it was a birthday surprise. Its the best feeling in the world when you are so loved by someone that they cant sleep when you are a guest in their house! We talked until 2 in the morning then tried to sleep but the Queen was so happy she couldn't. sigh.
This is my daughter and son-inlaw. He totally supports her paper habit! The Queen got her goodies out so we could play. Even Caleb was enjoying the cuddlebug!.jpg)
We ate and talked and laughed the whole time. And I made a new BFF, Annmarie who lives across the street with her amazingly cute kids & hubby. And a huge thanks to Teersa another fab neighbor that helped us with the "crazy box". Oh my if you ever leave meds behind that have to be refrigerated let me tell ya it helps to have a neighbor that just happens to be a pharmacist. Ciara left hers and was hours away before we realised it. Teersa saved the day! Oh what a lovely time. Dont worry New Mexico I'll be back!

aw, that sounds like the most fun getaway. your boys are so adorable! good for you for knowing just what you needed and making it happen.
have you had any popcorn lately? we will probably be having another late-night pop tonight! game on, sister! LOL
Sounds like you had a wonderful time! What cutie patooties your boys are. I remember when mine were little and the wonderful little creatures they wanted to bring in the house to live....snakes, lizards, toads.....yuck. I convinced them that the little creatures would miss their mommies if we kept them in our home :)
New Mexico???? Where did you start - Ohio? Because if you started from Ohio, I would have to call you crazy. You didn't start from Ohio, did you?
No, I started in CA! It wasn't a bad drive at all. The kids watched movies the whole way.
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