What to do if your dog gets skunked?!

I should have seen this coming.....
On the way home from back to school night I saw a very large skunk on my road not too far from my driveway. I smiled and thought,"Oh how cute you are, Pepe la Peu!"
And 2 hours later I let the dog out; big, big, huge, ginormous(yes its a word) mistake!
I called her back in and her mouth was foaming like she had eaten soap and then the smell hit me as she raced through my house, UGH!
I had recently read what to do if your dog gets skunked so I knew not to use tomato juice although many swear by it....
Here is the recipe:
- *1 quart (or liter) of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2.Use fresh (unopened) hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).Hydrogen peroxide eventually turns into water (H2O).*1/4 cup (50 ml.) of Baking Soda*1teaspoon (5 ml.) of Liquid Soap*1pair of plastic or latex gloves
I'll let you know if this works in a day or so. So far my house smells worse than the dog!
Oh my! We live in town so I think our chances of this happening a small...but still possible. I would of been running to the store for tomato juice! lol:)
Hope it works for you!
Oh no, Sharon! Yes, I've had my share of skunks as well as porcupine incidents! I've used this recepi and it does work but time is needed, too! Hang in there! ♥
Years ago when our dog got skunked I used the tomato juice and it was a huge mess! Also didn't help much if I am remembering right.
So this recipe has to be better...especially since it isn't red! The white fur on my dog was reddish pink for quite awhile after that.
Le Cough. Le pew. Le Cough. Le Gag. You poor thing! And your poor doggy. I think whoever said that "time is needed" is right on this incident. There's nothing worse smelling than a skunk! Seriously, check with the vet. They may have some ideas. I'd suggest boiling cinnamon sticks and cloves on the stove to clear the air, but that coupled with eau de skunk may just make it worse.
Oh Sharon!
I have to say, skunk is one of the worst, up-close, smells! We had two Chows years ago that got skunked periodically and with that long hair... UGH! We used to buy a solution from the pet store-can't remember the name but it's in a white bottle with red lid. I bought multiple bottles just to keep on hand just in case! Keep airing out the house and use aerosol Febreeze! ;)
p.s. my stomach hurts from remember that smell-ICK!
oh no!
friends tease me because i actually like the smell of skunk. of course i wouldn't want that smell so up close and personal-like! the smell of skunk makes me want a tuna sandwich and coffee. my sis says it makes her think of chinese food. kind of a crazy family, eh?
good luck with stinky!
If that wasn't enough excitement I just had a rattlesnake in my yard The cat was sniffing him and he did not want to be bothered.By the time I got the cat out of the way and found a shovel he hid in the bushes and Im not going after him!
I can not believe what terrible luck that was....yes i know your pain as we had this happen many a times. Extra hugs to you my friend. xoxoxo
Those pesty skunks, we are having a bit of a problem with them this year as well. We had one here this morning, after I tied the dog out, it was surfing around somewhere near by. Thank goodness, we did not meet while I went to un-tie the dog.
Many years back, we drove a great distance to buy a boxer pup, we ended up camping (in a tent) overnight to finish the trip the next day. Overnight, the dog escaped the tent, came back in the wee hours of the morning, she'd been shot with that lovely oder. Needless to say, we had a few hours ride home with a very sticky puppy. what an eye watering experience that was. Tomato juice did nothing, I believe we had to wash her with your recipe just a few times before things were back to normal.
We have a haveahart trap set now and have captured 2 skunks so far, relocating them in the forest just across the stream.
I hope your concoction worked and your sweet pooch is smelling good once again.
Wanted to thank you about your kind words about my cat, Gigi. I really appreciate your taking the time to comfort me, I carry all the kindness in my heart. Animal people are truly the best ~ thank you!
Oh, gosh, Sharon, I am sorry that happened to you and your sweet dog. I hope your "formula" works!! I have had a skunk in my back yard before. Thankfully, my cats have left it alone. Have a good week, my friend~ Vicki
All I can say is thank heavens we don't have stinky skunks in Oz.
Hope the smell in the house is disapating now Sharon.
Warmest Hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane
This happened to my precious pup last week. My house is smelling so much better now.
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