The "Tell Me 'Bout the Good Ole Days" Boutique & Flea at the Martin Home was lovely!
I"m in a bit of a hurry to get these pictures posted so I wont include a lot of narrative, just a bit of eye candy for you.....
The rose garden
I really wanted this pink tree. I dont think my hubby would want another tree though.
I already put up about 4 or 5 depending on my mood!

Art by the lovely Christie Repasy.
She will be hosting Chateau de Fleurs next month. I'll keep you posted.

My booth!

My "Little Pillows"
Rita of Mammabellarta's booth.
She's the bomb!
Thank you for visiting me. I hope your week is wonderful.

Bellissimo! Thank you for sharing your photos, I will send my bloggers to you. Happy Monday.
wow, sharon! so cal is definitely the shabby capital! looks wonderful!
Hi Sharon! I found you through Rita's blog, great pictures!
I see you just reached a milestone, I missed being your 200th blogger by 1, oh well, congratulations!!!
Thank you for coming! We had so much fun. Come visit us and bring your girls so we can chat more.
I so enjoyed the show in Redlands & your booth was amazing! Thanks for sharing your lovely pics with us & I look forward to seeing you at another event.
And what beautiful eye candy!! I would have loved to attend this event. Sharon your booth looked delightful...what a fun time you all would have had.
Warmest Hugs,
Sandi @ Ess D'Ess Bears
What a lovely show! We just don't have a lot of events (or any!) in my neck of the woods in WI. I'll have to enjoy it vicariously through your blog.
Your pillows and booth are beautiful! You've got a creative eye. I hope you had as much fun as the photos looked like (not proper grammar, I know, forgive me!) :)
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.
God Bless You :-)
That looks like an amazing flea market! I love your pretty pillows!
You have a beautiful blog and I am so happy that I stumbled upon it today. I am your newest follower :)
Your booth was gorgeous! I wish I had some of those pillows.
Now that kind of event would not happen here at this time of year. I am going to have to track down something to go to this weekend, I really need to look at lovely things like you shared. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures. I love your booth and your pillows are perfect.
I think if I had attended i would have spent all my pennies at your booth! you are SO talented!
I had so much fun at this show and I just love your sweet things! I wish you lots of success with your creativity! Christie
Oh My! It looks like you had a beautiful day for it. How did it go? Your booth was gorgeous!
Your booth is absolutely beautiful. I just love your blog too! I have you bookmarked.
p.s. I love Frank Sinatra very much too!
Oh, Sharon, that looks like a wonderful flea market!! I would love to visit some day. Your booth is terrific with your pretty pillows and other creations. Hope your weekend has been a good one, sweet friend~love always~Vicki
Your booth looked great, Sharon! You've been busy. Wish there was more time in the day. Miss chatting, but I haven't been blogging much. One day we'll meet!
Oh, how I love eye candy! Thank you for sharing the delights of the special day of treasure hunting. So fun!
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