Today is the 1 year anniversary of my husband's accident. There just aren't words to express how you feel when you get that phone call that starts off with, "everything is ok". There's a lump in your throat and your mind begins to race. My brother-inlaw was on the other end of the phone, not who I expected since we have caller id and he called from my husband's phone.
The guys had went to Gorman, a popular place for dirtbike riding. My husband, his brothers and several friends who were all very experienced and safe riders. No goofing off, no drinking. My husband could have been a pro rider, with a wall full of trophies to prove it. He is in law enforcement and had also been through classes for offroad safety.
So I said to my BIL, where are you taking him and his reply was I dont know we are waiting for a helicopter. I looked at my little boys and thought daddy might not come home today. It is the worst feeling ever, that uncertainty. But our story has a happy ending thanks to the good Lord.
Three surgeries, 6 pints of blood, 10 days in the hospital and a whole lot of prayers and Kenn is ok. He was in a wheelchair for a while, had a walker, then 2 crutches, then 1 and then finally able to walk. He is back on full duty but is not 100% yet. It has been such a long road for Kenn but he did it. He is the most determined and yes stubborn person next to myself that I know.
So this is for you Kenn, you made it to the other side and there is no looking back.
I love you,