I am smitten with this statue.
The desert is so wide!
The desert is so bare!
What springs to quench my thirst are there?
Where will I from the tempest hide?
I heard the flow of hidden springs;
Before me palms rose green and fair;
The birds were singing,
All the air was filled and stirred with Angels' wings.
Streams in the Desert
When you are feeling low and uncertain take heart that you are not alone.
Your Guardian Angels are watching over you.
Last week I was given many gifts from dear friends,
not gifts wrapped in pretty paper and tied with ribbon
although those are so fun to open
although those are so fun to open
They were the kind of gifts that money can't buy;
prayers, kind words, and emails of encouragement.
To all of you my cherished friends, I Thank You for being you and letting me be me.
And a special thank you to Cindy Adkins whose book
"Angels At My Door" is a top seller on Amazon.
p.s. This post was up for a few days and I didn't even realize it said "dessert" at the beginning of the poem. Guess that tells you where my mind is!
p.s. This post was up for a few days and I didn't even realize it said "dessert" at the beginning of the poem. Guess that tells you where my mind is!